Time in a Bottle

Growing up, my Dad sometimes had a Jim Croce tape playing in his truck or at home on our home stereo on a vinyl record player. When I think of Jim Croce, there is a song that has a way of pushing itself to the front of the line of my consciousness.

Time in a Bottle.

The hauntingly beautiful notes from the guitar and harpsichord help convey the idea that time is a precious resource that runs out quickly, often before we even realize it. The singer recognizes that the best way to spend it is with those he loves.

"If I could save time in a bottle

The first thing that I'd like to do

Is to save every day till eternity passes away

Just to spend them with you…"

"…But there never seems to be enough time

To do the things you want to do, once you find them

I've looked around enough to know

That you're the one I want to go through time with..."

The song does not end with a natural conclusion. The song ends on an uncomfortable but poignant D minor, a chord that leaves the listener feeling that the song is left unresolved. 

Did he succeed in spending what time he had with his family? 

Tragically, we know that Jim Croce was killed in an airplane crash at the age of 30, perhaps adding bitter gravitas to the song in the decades since his death. 

If you had an expiry date printed on your forehead and you were aware of the time of your death, what would you want to get done? I believe there's value in taking stock of how much time we could have left on this earth.  

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." says a verse in Psalm 90, where the writer reflects on humanity's limits and finite nature. That line is a sobering reminder that we only have a short supply of time on earth and we should use it wisely.

We do need to give a responsible amount of time to work; we must pay that bill so that we can…um, pay the bills- but let’s make that time count. Be an encouraging coworker that adds value to someone’s day.

Our time is valuable no matter who we are. Offering the gift of time is an act of grace and generosity. Spend your time with those who love and care for you when the work is gone. Don’t short change the most important people in your life.

If there’s a theme for my hopes and dreams for 2024, it can be summed up in four simple words.

Make my time count.

Friend, thank you for reading, I hope you will write down some goals for this year and make the most of your time.


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