Picard And Pentecost
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Picard And Pentecost

You cannot truly understand someone if you don't know their story. Language is often a carrier of culture and meaning. You have to listen to catch it.

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Travel Like Matt
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Travel Like Matt

If your personal, professional, and spiritual journey is helping you become a more humble person, you’re traveling well. If you find yourself building your own brand by endlessly critiquing and “yelping” against your own culture, you might be impeding your own progress. The best way to critique is to build something new and beautiful while maintaining a foundation of love.

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What if…Easter?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

What if…Easter?

I’m now speaking for myself, but the story of Jesus’ resurrection requires me to ask this question. “What if you truly believe in the power of Easter? How does your story play out?”

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Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau


I hear the voice of Q in my ear,

“Jordan, remember the trail never ends. Expand your mind and your horizons.”

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My Stan Lee Story
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

My Stan Lee Story

Yes! Stan Lee once made a cameo appearance in my story. Here’s the tale.

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