Road Rules

Sometime early next week, I'll sit in an airport terminal waiting for a flight that will take me across an ocean to a new destination. I know that I'll feel anxious but in a good way. It's the unknown, after all, but I've adapted well to it. I do well in places where I don't speak the language. If you're reading this, please don't think that I believe I'm some renowned traveler with his own Netflix travel series. I wish! But I have learned some helpful truths about moving forward into the unknown. Here are some of my thoughts.

1) I'm not that special to have everything go wrong for me. I've learned to watch, observe, and trust that unfamiliar situations will make sense for those who live at my destination—human beings like peace and order. If I'm patient, I'll figure it out. Everything will likely work out! The world is not out to get me.

2) I'm not the trailblazer. There are very few places in the world that I can visit that have yet to be visited by a Canadian. Any place I'd like to visit has likely received a visitor who knows what a Tim Horton's double-double is. I understand that I'll probably come across a challenge or two in my journey, but I've learned to take a step back and say, "ok, you can't be the only one who's experienced this before." It's amazing how much a realization like that can take the edge off a frustrating situation.

3) If you're looking for good, you'll probably find it. In the same way, if you're looking for trouble, you'll have no issue with finding it. Whenever I'm on the road, I'm always looking for something fun, exciting, or unique, and I usually find it. I have high standards, but I’m not ruled by them when I’m on the receiving end of hospitality. While I'm always hopeful for good experiences, I've never felt entitled to them, and it's served me well. Not only has that served me well on a trip, it's helped me live a good life.

Generally speaking, being humble is like having a passport that opens gateways of possibilities in the world. You’ll never enjoy the journey

If you believe you’re special,

if you believe you're a trailblazer, and

if you believe good is hard to find.

Anyway, I’m excited for the next couple of weeks ahead. I’m looking forward to having a new stamp in my passport and more stories to tell.

Thanks for reading, friend; it means a lot. I look forward to writing more while on the road.


One Wild and Precious


Values and Stolen Bikes