The Worst Street Preacher Ever


You may have encountered a street preacher while walking down Jasper avenue. I know I have, and each time, it's made me think about my friend Grace, the world's worst street preacher. I'm grateful to have met her at a variety of points in my life's journey.

Most street preachers will occupy and conquer space to unleash their message. However, Grace does not mount soapboxes and artificially amplifies her voice with a megaphone. Instead, she quietly walks alongside people on the street, curious about their stories, and she values their lives as they are today. She doesn't take up and demand space; she freely makes way for others.

If you were to stop Grace and ask her what her message is, her message isn't "The end is near." If she were ever to make a poster, it would read, "every day is a new beginning." Street Preachers have urgency because they're selling unsustainable products like fear and anger. Grace is patient and ready to be part of someone's life when they're ready.

She will never have the view from on high like the Street Preacher on top of a soapbox. Instead, her feet always touch the ground as she walks through her community. She meets people at eye level.

The Street preacher demands your attention from a mile away, but Grace has a way of touching you gently on the shoulder when you weren't expecting it. She is more interested in listening to you than being heard by the masses.

Grace, she'll never conquer the world, but she will change it. I hope you meet her today.


My Bill Clinton Story PART II


My Bill Clinton Story Part 1